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What type of wood is best for pellet stove?

Mar 5, 2024
What type of wood is best for pellet stove?

What type of wood is best for pellet stove?

When it comes to choosing the best type of wood for your pellet stove, several factors should be considered. The type of wood you use can have a significant impact on the performance, efficiency, and overall experience with your pellet stove. In this article, we will explore the different types of wood commonly used for pellet stoves and provide insights into their qualities and benefits.

1. Hardwoods

Hardwoods are generally considered the best type of wood for pellet stoves. They have a higher density and energy content compared to softwoods, which results in a longer burn time and higher heat output. Common hardwoods used for pellets include oak, maple, cherry, and birch. These woods provide a steady and consistent burn, producing a reliable source of heat for your home.

2. Softwoods

While hardwoods are often preferred, softwoods can also be used in pellet stoves. Softwoods such as pine and fir have a lower density and energy content compared to hardwoods. This means they may burn more quickly and produce less heat. However, softwood pellets can still be a viable option if they are readily available or if you prefer their aroma and flame characteristics. It's important to note that softwoods may produce more ash compared to hardwoods.

3. Blends

Blended pellets, which are a combination of hardwood and softwood, are another option to consider. These pellets offer a balance of heat output and burn time. Blends are designed to provide the benefits of both hardwoods and softwoods, resulting in a clean burn and efficient heat production. Some pellet stove manufacturers even recommend using blended pellets for optimal performance.

4. Pellet Quality

Regardless of the type of wood you choose, it's crucial to ensure that the pellets you use are of high quality. Look for pellets that are made from pure wood without any additives or fillers. Quality pellets will have a consistent size and shape, allowing for smooth feeding and efficient combustion in your pellet stove. It's also important to store the pellets in a dry area to maintain their quality and prevent moisture absorption.

5. Consider Local Availability

Another factor to consider when choosing the type of wood for your pellet stove is local availability. Certain regions may have an abundance of a specific type of wood, making it more cost-effective and convenient to use. Consider the availability and cost of different wood types in your area when making your decision.


When it comes to selecting the best type of wood for your pellet stove, hardwoods are generally the preferred choice due to their higher density and energy content. However, softwoods and blended pellets can also be suitable options depending on your preferences and local availability. Remember to choose high-quality pellets made from pure wood and store them properly to maintain their performance. By selecting the right type of wood for your pellet stove, you can enjoy efficient heat production and a cozy home during the colder months.

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